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Black Forest Gateau Cups

29 Mar

Black Forest Gateau Cup

This is going to be a boring post. There isn’t a story I can tell you about how I was inspired to make these gateau cups. But I CAN tell you that they are yum.

The making-of is quite traditional, except that I baked the chocolate cake as cake cups. You know the rest.  Fill them with a cherry filling and top them with whipped cream.

Sigh. Nothing outrageous happened while I was in the kitchen either. Ah well, I’ll try and come up with something exciting to say for the next post! ;)

Kiwifruit Volcanoes

22 Jan

We’ve had a New-Zealand themed evening with friends – if you’re fed up with me going on about all things kiwi, tough luck. It’ll be a while before I stop talking about that amazing country or even having kiwi-themed evenings! :-P

So anyway. Kiwi-themed baking. Kiwifruit was an obvious choice – as are the volcanoes (at least for anyone who’s gone hiking on the North Island before!)

I used my cake cup baking tin for the base. The cakes are simple light sponge cakes with an ever so tiny hint of lemon. The lava is made from puréed kiwifruit, icing sugar and biscuits crumbs.

kiwifruit volcanoesKiwifruit volcanoes: rather less dangerous than Mount Ruapehu but arguably more delicious! :)

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Birthday Cake Cups with Pumpkin Filling

1 Nov

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake Cups with Pumpkin Filling

You didn’t think Pumpkin Fest was over, did you? :)

Today is my pumpkin supplying friend’s birthday, and I made these chocolate and peanut butter cake cups with pumpkin filling for him.

And then he didn’t show up at the sports club like he said he would, so somebody else ate them. Tragic story.

I’ve used a recipe for a chocolate and peanut butter cake from a cookbook but it’s not worth remembering the details because I thought it was a bit dry and bland. Good thing I had the pumpkin filling!

The chocolate coating was done as a last-minute thing when I wasn’t happy with the aesthetics. I think the chocolate went well with the rest but made cutting the cake cups for the picture really difficult, as you can tell from the picture.

I still love my cake cup tin, and I don’t think I am using it often enough! Old year’s resolution: bake more cake cups.


Introducing … cake cups!

2 Oct

I think I have to add another cake tin to my list of Favourite Baking Moulds. Cupcakes are nice and all but now I can also bake – *drumroll* – cake cups!

Sea Life Cake Cups

Sea Life Cake Cups 2

For the first trial run, I used the cake batter, cream and octopus/fishie biscuits from my Sea Life Cake. The cake cups are about the size of muffins. I think the baking tin is great – of course you could just remove that bit of an upturned muffin which you want to fill with cream or whatever it is you fancy but then they wouldn’t look as good. And you can even turn the baking tin around and bake cake cup tops! So don’t you dare say my new baking tin is useless, which would only force me to say that YOUR FACE is useless, making me sound really childish and immature. And we don’t want that, do we?

So, in case you haven’t guessed, I think the cake cups are fabulous, and I am already thinking of a thousand other cake cup ideas. One is even mayhem-themed. Yay! :D